Welcome to Summer! Boats are in the water, seasonal cottages are open, and we are beginning to see more human activity around the lake.
What a nice feeling to be back on Loon Lake!
In case you missed it, the LLPOA AGM was held on August 26, 2023, at the Government Dock. One main area of focus was on Water & Lake Health, both current and long-term plans to ensure we continue to have a very healthy lake. Between our Lake Steward and Lake Volunteers, different areas of the lake are regularly monitored. In addition to our standard testing for E.coli & coliform, to ensure safe swimming, our lake is also monitored for levels of chloride, phosphorus, calcium, clarity & dissolved oxygen. Results have always been within acceptable limits but based on these tests, information was shared with the MTO on the increasing chloride levels. This resulted in a change to the salting of Hwy 118 to pre-wetted road salt and quality control of MTO contractors salting operations by the MTO. That says a lot of our lake community and the residents who care about our Lake - we thank you for all your hard work. It was requested that we include a sample from the southend, by the beaver dam - this has been added to the June sampling (E.coli & coliforms). Our Lake Steward is also participating in the Canadian Lakes Loon Survey, and currently 5 Loons have been spotted on the lake this spring. This is all very positive for everyone in the
The other area of focus was Highway 118, vegetation and speed. Our
efforts of requesting a speed reduction, down to the suggested 60km/h
(yellow signs), was denied, but it was voted to respond to our MPP that
we want enforcement, hidden driveway signs and to add a flashing
speed sign in consultation with the MTO. Additional hydro-seeding was
done on the bare areas of the rock face (after the AGM was held). The
MO will continue to monitor, along with the contractor to ensure the
seeds germinated and growth continues.
You have heard it before, but the LLPOA programs, events, initiatives and committees require volunteers beyond the Executive. Whether you can volunteer to help, have an idea for an initiative, or event, we always want to hear from you. You can email the LLPOA at loonlakehaliburton@gmail.com. We are very excited that we have new Regatta Co-Organizers this year, and even more exciting that they are adults who have grown up on the lake, going to Regatta. Like many of us, summer isn't summer without the Regatta and the memories are engraved as the best time. Who doesn't remember winning a ribbon?!! The annual Rock Bass Derby will kick off the summer social events on the July long weekend.
We trust you will continue to support your Lake Association by renewing your membership for 2024. New this year, you will receive a LLPOA membership sign, so you can proudly show your support. You may have
seen some of them up around the lake already. Each subsequent year, when your membership is renewed, a renewal sticker with the current year will be sent to you. It is your association, and the Executive wants to
acknowledge your support and thank you.
Wishing everyone a safe and wonderful summer on the Lake! - LLPOA Executive